Vote for a Finnish National Butterfly!

People usually get panic when I tell them I study insects. Although butterflies are also insects, people’s attitudes towards them is much more positive. Recently, I got very excited about voting for a Finnish national butterfly.

When I read an article about this voting event on Helsingin Sanomat, I felt glad that I could understand most information about the butterfly candidates in Finnish. I decided to translate the information into English and Chinese, so that more people who are interested in Finnish butterflies can vote for their favourite candidate! 🙂

You can go to vote for your favourite candidate on Kansallisperhonen website ( by clicking the picture of your candidate. Then click the green button with “ÄÄNESTÄ TÄTÄ PERHOSTA!” (vote for this butterfly!) and fill in the form and “Äänestä”!


Small tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae, Picture 1.) is a butterfly prototype that is already woken up during March and April by the sun of spring. This species is the National Butterfly of Denmark.

荨麻蛱蝶 (Aglais urticae) 早在三四月就在春日的暖阳中苏醒了。它是丹麦的“国蝶”。

Picture 1. Nokkosperhonen. Päiväperhosen prototyyppi, jonka kevätaurinko herättää liikkeelle jo maalis-huhtikuussa. Laji on Tanskan kansallisperhonen.


Blue underwing (Catocala fraxini, Picture 2) is a wanderer in dark nights from the end of summer to autumn. It is the largest species of Noctuidae family in Finland and Europe. Flying time: August – October.

缟裳夜蛾(Catocala fraxini)是夏末至秋季黑夜中的漫游者。它是芬兰和欧洲的夜蛾科下最大的一种夜蛾。

Picture 2. Siniritariyökkönen. Loppukesän ja syksyn pimeiden öiden kulkija on Suomen ja Euroopan suurin yökköslaji.


Poplar admiral (Limenitis populi, Picture 3) is a butterfly gliding in Finnish lake landscape, which has a majestic appearance. Flying time: June – July.

红线蛱蝶(Limenitis populi) 是芬兰湖泊地貌中翩翩起舞的一种蝴蝶,有皇家气质。

Picture 3. Haapaperhonen. Suomalaisessa järvimaisemassa liitelevä perhonen on majesteettinen näky. Lento aika: kesä-heinäkuu.


The Arran Brow (Erebia ligea, Picture 4) is a dark butterfly that is the most distinctive butterfly in forest environments. Flying time: July – August.

红带山眼蝶(Erebia ligea) 是一种深色的蝴蝶,也是芬兰森林中最容易辨认的蝴蝶。

Picture 4. Metsänokiperhonen. Mustanpuhuva perhonen on metsäympäristöjen tunnusomaisimpia päiväperhosiamme. Lentoaika: Heinä–elokuu.


Elephant hawk-moth (Deilephila elpenor, Picture 5). Observing buzzing a moth in midsummer evenings is an experience. Flying time: June – August.

象鹰蛾(Deilephila elpenor)。在仲夏的傍晚观察嗡嗡响的象鹰蛾是一种享受。

Picture 5. Horsmakiitäjä. Yöperhosen kolibrimaisen pörräyksen tarkkailu keskikesän iltahämärissä on elämys. Lentoaika: Kesä–elokuu.


Silver-washed fritillary (Argynnis paphia, Picture 6) is the largest heliconian (longwing) in Finland. It is one of the most gorgeous butterflies at the end of summer. Flying time: July – August.

绿豹蛱蝶(Argynnis paphia)是芬兰釉蛱蝶亚科下最大的物种。它是芬兰夏末最漂亮的蝴蝶之一。

Picture 6. Keisarinviitta. Suomen suurin hopeatäplä on varsinkin loppukesällä yksi näyttävimmistä päiväperhosistamme. Lentoaika: Heinä–elokuu.


The orange tip (Anthocharis cardamines, Picture 7) cheers up the whole Finland as a clear sign for spring. Flying time: May – June.

红襟粉蝶(Anthocharis cardamines)的出现可以使整个芬兰都高兴起来——它是春天来临的标志。

Picture 7. Auroraperhonen. Aurora ilahduttaa varmana kevään merkkinä ympäri maan. Lentoaika: Touko–kesäkuu.


The green hairstreak (Callophrys rubi, Picture 8) is probably the most common butterfly appearing in forests during spring and summer. Its appearance cheers up everyone who visit nature. Flying time: May.

黄星绿小灰蝶(Callophrys rubi)大概是初夏之间森林中最常见的一种蝴蝶。它的出现能让远足于自然的人们振奋起来。

Picture 8. Kangasperhonen. Luultavasti yleisimmän päiväperhosemme ilmestyminen metsiin kevätkesällä ilahduttaa jokaista luonnossa kulkijaa. Lentoaika: Toukokuu


The moorland clouded yellow (Calias palaeno, Picture 9) is the most common butterfly in swamps. It jazzes up almost the who country. Flying time: June – July.

黑缘豆粉蝶(Calias palaeno)是芬兰的沼泽中最常见的蝴蝶,它让整个国家都活泼起来。

Picture 9. Suokeltaperhonen. Soiden yleinen päiväperhonen piristää maisemaa lähes koko maassa. Lentoaika: Kesä–heinäkuu.


Scarce copper (Lycaena virguareae, Picture 10) is a copper species that often can be seen as a shining flash in meadows at the end of summer. Flying time: July – August.

斑貉灰蝶 (Lycaena virguareae) 是芬兰灰蝶亚科下的一个物种。夏末的花甸中常常有斑貉灰蝶闪烁的身影。

Picture 10. Loistokultasiipi. Maamme yleisin kultasiipi on loistava leimahdus loppukesäisellä niityllä. Lentoaika: Heinä–elokuu.


The large emerald (Geometra papilionaria, Picture 11). Bright lights attracts this flying green moth in night’s darkness. Flying time: July – August.

蝶青尺蛾(Geometra papilionaria) 在夜晚会被明亮的灯光所吸引。

Picture 11. Isomittari. Kirkkaat valot houkuttelevat yön hämärissä lentelevää kauttaaltaan vihreää perhosta. Lentoaika: Heinä–elokuu.


The bedstraw hawk-moth (Hyles gallii, Picture 12). The “northern hummingbird” is a wanderer, which can be seen refueling by flowers also in the most northern mountain regions.

深色白眉天蛾 (Hyles gallii) 在芬兰也被称为“北方蜂鸟”。在芬兰最北的山区我们可以见到正在吸花蜜的深色白眉天蛾。

Picture 12. Matarakiitäjä. “Pohjolan kolibri” on vaeltajaluonne, jonka voi nähdä tankkaamassa kukilla mettä pohjoisimpia tuntureitamme myöten. Lentoaika: Kesä–elokuu.


The common brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni, Picture 14) is a butterfly that toughly overwinters under the snow. It is the first colour during spring in Finland. Flying time: April – August.

钩粉蝶(Gonepteryx rhamni)是真汉字,在雪下过冬。它是芬兰春天的第一抹颜色。

Picture 14. Sitruunaperhonen. Sitkeä lumen alla talvehtija on Suomen kevään ensimmäisiä väriläiskiä. Lentoaika: Huhtikuu – elokuu.


The European peacock (Aglais io, Picture 15) has become more common during last decades and has adapted to the North climate. Flying time: April – May / July – September.

孔雀蛱蝶(Aglais io)在过去的几十年里成为了一个常见的物种,它已经适应了芬兰北方的气候。

Picture 15. Neitoperhonen. Viime vuosikymmeninä yleistynyt tulokas on sopeutunut Pohjolan ilmastoon. Lentoaika: Huhti–tuokokuu / heinä–syyskuu.


The tau emperor (Aglia tau, Picture 16) is a large butterfly species with blue eye-like spots. It is a familiar sight in forests during spring and summer. Flying time: April – June.

丁目大蚕蛾(Aglia tau)是一种长着“蓝眼睛”的大蛾子。飞舞的丁目大蚕蛾是在春夏之际的森林里一抹熟悉的风景。

Picture 16. Nastakehrääjä. Sinisilmäinen suurperhonen on poukkoilevine lentoineen tuttu näky kevätkesäisessä metsässä. Lentoaika: Touko–kesäkuu.


The holly blue (Celastrina argiolus, Picture 17) is a little bright-blue spring bringer, and it is one of the most common gossamerwinged butterflies (Lycaenidae). Flying time: May – August.

琉璃灰蝶 (Celastrina argiolus)是一种两蓝色的小蝴蝶,它是春的使者。琉璃蝴蝶是灰蝶科下最常见的物种之一。

Picture 17. Paatsamasinisiipi. Pieni heleänsininen kevään tuoja on yksi yleisimmistä sinisiivistämme. Lentoaika: Toukokuu – elokuu.


The clouded buff ( Diacrisia sannio , Picture 18) is a caramel-coloured moth during midsummer. It is often seen by particularly swamp hikers. Flying time: Summer – July.

排点灯蛾 ( Diacrisia sannio) 是仲夏之际可以见到的一种焦糖色蛾子。它常常撞上在沼泽附近远足的人。

Picture 18. Karhusiilikäs. Karamellivärinen keskikesän perhonen osuu usein etenkin suoretkeilijän eteen. Lentoaika: Kesä–heinäkuu.


Scarce fritillary (Euphydryas maturna, Picture 19). This territory-aware butterfly has East exoticism – its most occurences in EU are in Finland. Flying time: June.

豹纹金堇蛱蝶 (Euphydryas maturna) 是一种区域意识性很强的蝴蝶,具有东方的异域风情——它在欧盟内的分布主要在芬兰。

Picture 19. Kirjoverkkoperhonen. Reviiritietoisessa perhosessa on idän eksotiikkaa – sen vahvimmat esiintymät EU:ssa ovat Suomessa. Lentoaika: Kesäkuu.


The Old World swallowtail (Papilio machaon, Picture 20) is the largest and most distinctive butterfly in early summer. Flying time: June.

金凤蝶(Papilio machaon) 是芬兰初夏最大最易辨认的蝴蝶。

Picture 20. Ritariperhonen. Ritari on suurimpia ja erottuvimpia alkukesän päiväperhosiamme. Lentoaika: Kesäkuu.


The Camberwell beauty (Nymphalis antiopa, Picture 21) is large and looks like a dark velvet with creamy white margins. Flying time: April – August.

黄缘蛱蝶 (Nymphalis antiopa) 是一种较大的蝴蝶,它看起来像是一片带着奶白色的天鹅绒。

Picture 21. Suruvaippa. Perhonen on suuri ja kuin tummaa samettia kermanvalkoisin reunuksin. Lentoaika: Huhtikuu – elokuu.

The pictures and Finnish texts are from

Diving Beetles in Chinese Culture

China has a long history of using diving beetles. The Chinese name of Dytiscidae is 龙虱科(lóng shī kē, 科 means “family”). An origin of the Chinese name of Dytiscidae, 龙虱 ( lóng shī), dated back to ancient time:



It means that Min people thought dytiscids were cooties (虱, shī) on Long (龙, lóng), a legendary creature in Chinese culture (Picture 1), which could be a reason why some people didn’t dare to eat them.

Picture 1. Long is an imaginative creature in Chinese culture, which is capable of summoning wind and rain.*

There are many Chinese common names for diving beetles, for example, 水龟子 (shuǐ guī zi), 水鳖虫 (shuǐ biē chóng), 射尿龟 (shè niào guī), and so on. These common names are often associated with guī (龟, turtles) and biē (鳖, softshells). This is very likely due to their oval shapes, which make dytiscids look like mini turtles and softshells.

Diving beetles have been recorded in Chinese literature since ancient time, mainly as food or medicine. For example, in Quannan Zazhi by Chen Maoren (《泉南杂志》 陈懋仁) in Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD), dytiscids were described as a delicacy. Nowadays, they are also sold in online shops in China. Of course, not all Chinese eat dytiscids.

People sometimes find dytiscids in some alcohol or in a prescription if they go to Chinese doctors. In Wuli Xiaoshi by Fang Yizhi (《物理小识》 方以智) , diving beetles are described to be able to invigorate the circulation of blood and have an anti-aging effect. Now we know that it is mainly due to SOD (superoxide dismutase) in dytiscids, which may reduce free radical damage to skins.

Chinese people started dytiscid farming very early and thus accumulated a lot of experience. For instance, dytiscid farming should be far away from contaminated waters and chemical plants, which is presented in western studies that Dytiscidae is a potential indicator taxon of water quality and wetland biodiversity. Big and small dytiscid species should be separated, so should adults and larvae. In western studies, ecologists find that big dytiscid species can prey on small species. Dytiscid adults and larvae have different habitat requirement, and dytiscid larvae can be even more skilful predators than adults, as they have large hollow curved mandibles (Picture 2).

There are a lot of interesting information and studies in Chinese. Maybe I can study more and translate some into English in the future.

Picture 2. A Dytiscus larva preying on a tadpole. The larva has very powerful large hollow curved mandibles that can easily pierce a prey. Drawn by Wenfei Liao.  ©Wenfei Liao


*Picture from

Read more:

Round-shaped Hyphydrus ovatus

Broad and Flat Acilius

Large-sized Dytiscus & Darwin’s Mistake

Cybister, an Immigrant in Finland

Rhantus in Finland